BIS Grades 9-12 Application

The application process for the 2023-2024 school year is closed and we are full full for the second semester.

We are now starting Orientations and Applications for the 2024-2025 school year.

Ideal Application times:

It is best to apply to BIS the April-May of the previous school year.  If you can’t apply at that time, then here is our suggested application timeline

Semester 1

Quarter 1:  August to September

Quarter 2:  September to December

Semester 2 

Apply by December. We are full semester 2 and not accepting more applications until the next school year.

All families must go through the following steps to apply:

  1. Enroll in BUSD

    If you are already enrolled, move to step 2. Otherwise visit the Berkeley Public Schools Enrollment page.

  2. Attend Required Orientation

    All families must attend an orientation before submitting an application. Students and at least one guardian must attend the orientation together. Please fill out the 9—12th grade orientation sign-up form. Orientation dates are included on our BIS calendar.

  3. Submit Application

    After attending orientation, you are invited to submit the 9-12 Independent Study Application. Please apply to BIS using this Google form link: BIS APPLICATION 2024-2025

    ****Note if your student has an IEP, then please have your current school hold an IEP meeting before the transfer process is complete.****

  4. Meet with the academic counselor to sign a BIS contract and create a student schedule and then the BIS office will finish the transfer process. Sign up to meet with Ms. Linh Le at her calendar invite